
Discord Python Bot Template, for those looking for ideas or starting to learn Python!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🈹 Big Boss


1. Local deployment

First modify this config.py according to your data

  'pic_url' : 'https://sandaruwan-img-host.pages.dev/88976667.png', #https://imgbb.com/ host the image on this website and enter the URL here as in the example

  'TOKEN' : 'Enter_You_BOT_TOKEN', #Enter the bot token here

  'bot_name': '🈹 Big Boss', #Enter a name of your choice for the bot.

  'channel_id':'CHANNEL_ID', #Enter the ID of the channel you created

  'alive_msg':'Hi I Am Alive', 

  'menu_name':'🈹 Big Menu' 
  'Local_Run': False,  #Set this to true if deploying locally.

You need to download Python to your computer Download

To install the development version, do the following:

git clone https://github.com/sahansandaruwan/bigboss.git
cd bigboss

Before running the bot you will need to install all the requirements with this command:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt 

After that you can start it with

python app.py

'TOKEN' This should include the token of your Discord Bot. readmore

'channel_id' Enter your discord channel ID number here. readmore

Plugin Work
Youtube Search
Google Search
Discord Text Markdown
Text Spam
Random Image
Random Quote
Discord Server Status
Local deployment
Digital Ocean Deploy
Embed message
Bot Maintenance
Since 2023/02/15
Can Template Use? Use

2. Digital Ocean Deploy

Deploy to DO


Sahan Sandaruwan
Sahan Sandaruwan