1人だと勉強をサボりそうなオーガナイザーが 強制的に ストイックにプログラミングする ための時間を作ることを目的に毎週開催されているもくもく会です。
- 新しい言語・フレームワークを触りこむ
- 今後使うかもしれないミドルウェアの特性を掴む
- 分散データストアをとりあえず触って肌感覚を掴む
- 機械学習についてまとまって時間作って学習する
- 数学や統計を学び直す、論文を読む
- OSS活動やプライベートプロダクトを集中して進めたい
過去の雰囲気 : shinjuku-mokumoku
質問などありましたら、slackの shinjuku-mokumoku にてご連絡ください。
- Pitch
- Community
- Organize
- Wifi
- Projects
Create event channel, reminder and poller
# on slack
/prepare <num>
Get channel id
# on slack
/get_channel_id <channel_name>
Generate presenter order
# on slack
/presenter <num>
Generate event template
docker-compose run node ./scripts/generateNextEvent.js
- Replace creating pull-reqeust operation from systemcall to GitHub api
- Use gith hub oauth token insted of personal access token to create github api
Install firebase cli and login
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
# Check exits $HOME/.config/gcloud file
If you don't have slack api token, get api token from below and export these:
export SLACK_API_TOKEN=your_api_token
export SLACK_SLASH_TOKEN_PREPARE=your_slash_command_token_for_prepare
export SLACK_SLASH_TOKEN_PRESENTER=your_slash_command_token_for_prepare
Run docker container
docker-compose run functions sh
Run firebase function locally
npx --prefix functions run serve
Show firebase function logs
npm --prefix functions logs -- --only <function_name>
Set config for deploy
if you haven't set some config, you should set config by blow command
export SLACK_SLASH_TOKEN_PREPARE=<your_slack_slash_token>
export SLACK_SLASH_TOKEN_PRESENTER=<your_slack_slash_token>
export SLACK_API_TOKEN=<your_slack_api_token>
cd <project_root>
firebase functions:config:set \
slack.slash_token_prepare=$SLACK_SLASH_TOKEN_PREPARE \
slack.slash_token_presenter=$SLACK_SLASH_TOKEN_PRESENTER \
firebase functions:config:get
# show setted configs
manually deploy
- always deploy automatically by circleci
cd functions && firebase deploy --only functions
If you don't have slack api token, get api token from below and export as environment variables:
- https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line
- allow access for
repo/public repo
- allow access for
export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=you_personal_github_token
Run container with sh
docker-compose run scripts sh