Automate your mining of HTMLCoin on Linux.

Primary LanguageShell

HTMLCOIN-Scripts by cl04ker

If you find these scripts useful, please consider donating HTMLCOIN to me. Thank you.
My address: HXhuuAmrpNuUSoMbpKxTpZmA36uZwK4wFi

If you need help use the GitHub issues or you can find me here: Unofficial HTMLCOIN Mining Telegram

The following scripts have been written to automate your usage of the HTMLCOIN software on Linux. These have been tested working on Ubuntu Server.

I suggest that you clone this repository under a folder called HTMLCoin in order to keep things tidy and organised. I keep mine at ~/crypto/HTMLCoin/HTMLCOIN-Scripts

Clone this repository with git clone https://github.com/cl04ker/HTMLCOIN-Scripts.git and then use sudo ./setup.sh to download and compile the software ready for use by the other scripts.

Please also don't forget to run git pull every so often to check for any updates I have made.


Use this script to setup the HTMLCoin software ready to be used by the ./start.sh script. Run the setup script as root using sudo ./setup-miner.sh



Use this script on your Linux Desktop to install the HTMLCoin Wallet software. Run the setup script as root using sudo ./setup-wallet.sh. Once complete, look for 'HTMLCoin Wallet' in your applications menu or quick launcher.



Use this script to start the multicore miner. The script will begin by asking: How many miners do you want to run? Match this to the number of cores your system has. If you dont know how many cores your system has, you can run nproc to find out.

You will then be asked to enter your receive address. I recommend that you copy this from your wallet and then paste it into the terminal if possible.

The script will then start the daemon and wait until it is fully synced before continuing. The selected number of miners will now start and log to ../HTMLCOIN-LOGS/htmlcoin-miner-*.


HTMLCOIN-Scripts$ ./start.sh

How many miners do you want to run?

Please enter your receive address:

HTMLCOIN server starting

Checking that the daemon is in sync. Please wait!

Connections must equal 8 to continue with mining... Please wait...
Connections = 0
Connections = 2
Connections = 5
Connections = 6
Connections = 6
Connections = 8

Please wait while the miners are started!

Start up complete! Now run ./watch.sh to watch the logs for blocks.

Please see here for information on how to watch the logs for blocks.


Use this script to stop the multicore miner. The script will gracefully shut down all processes and may take some time. Usually no more than five minutes.


HTMLCOIN-Scripts$ ./stop.sh

Killing all HTMLCOIN multiminer processes now!

Stopping HTMLCOIN daemon now! Please wait! Could take some time!

HTMLCOIN server stopping


Use this script to watch the log files for any blocks that you may find.


Every 60.0s: grep -B 1 '"' ../HTMLCOIN-Logs/htmlcoin-miner-main.log

Miner-3   Block Count:118   Tue 16 Jan 12:56:16 GMT 2018
Block Output: [   "0000000000c8d1139136e01edb809f022408ea49dd45477b89092bca58ddc127" ]


An attractive way to monitor the progress of your miners! Try it out!

You must install lolcat first by running sudo apt install lolcat