This code is a tool for extracting data from the EyeLink and BlackRock system for some experiments on monkeys' brain neurons.
This simply first read the .edf data files which are generated by Eyelink, with the use of edfReader toolbox and extract all information that is needed. Such as experiment properties, and main data of trials like the state changings, the goodness of each trial, the amount of reward monkey had recieved, and the datail of stimulus on the trials.
By parsing the .NEV (which contains digital data of electrods) and .NSx (which holds the continous data recieved) files, that are generated by BlackRock system, we can obtain the number and timestamps of spikes during stimulus presentations and even a amount of time before and after that.
By merging the data retrieved from EyeLink and BlackRock, we have all the things needed to do analysis on the results, such as plotting LFP signals, raster plot and psth of spikes, and things like that. These data is mainly extrcted for main analysis and decoding the behaiviour of neurons which will add in the future.
The basic of these codes were have been generated before, but here, in addition to refactorization and clearing up the previous codes, we change the way of code design from scripting! to OO design such that multiple types of experiment like Hartley stimulus or others can use a single code just by changing some small parameters in CONFIG file. Here also we have some analysis code, like plotting LFP, raster plot, and psth in the Runnables folder.