
A collection of utilities written in C

Primary LanguageC


A collection of utilities written in C

  • math contains small mathematical utilities and libraries.
    • dectobin is a decimal to binary converter.
    • pcal is a Reverse Polish Notation calculator.
    • matrixop and matrixdet showcase some basic operations with 2D matrices.
    • Matrix is a tiny library which helps perform operations on 2D matrices.
    • graphtest showcases some basic operations with graphs.
    • Graph is a tiny library which helps perform basic operations on undirected graphs.
    • ramanujan gives all the ways a number can be expressed as the sum of two cubes.
  • prime contains programs pertaining to prime numbers.
    • primecalc counts and produces prime numbers using the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
    • BitArray is a tiny library which simulates an array of individually controllable bits, with no wasted space.
  • roots contains programs which numerically calculate roots of functions.
    • tabulation identifies the subintervals containing roots.
    • bisection identifies the location of roots using the bisection algorithm.
    • regulafalsi identifies the location of roots using the method of false position.
    • newtonraphson identifies the location of roots using the Newton-Raphson algorithm.
  • ode contains programs which numerically solve ordinary differential equations.
    • euler solves an ODE using Euler's method.
    • rungekutta solves an ODE using a fourth order Runge-Kutta method.
  • io contains programs which deal with basis input/output operations.
    • count is a line/word/character counter, which largely behaves the same as the wc program.
    • search displays those lines supplied in standard input which contain the string given as a command line argument.
    • monthnames displays the names of the months corresponding to the numbers given as command line arguments.
    • args demonstrates a very basic usage of the getopt() method of parsing command line arguments.
  • ttt contains a tic-tac-toe game with the minimax algorithm.
    • ttt starts a standard 3x3 game of tic-tac-toe, run ttt -h for options.
    • tttbig starts a game of tic-tac-toe with more options , run tttbig -h for options.
    • Board gives an interface for manipulating a 3x3 tic-tac-toe board and implements the minimax algorithm.
    • BoardBig gives an interface for manipulating a general tic-tac-toe board.
  • nqueens contains a solver for the n-queens problem.
  • sort contains programs implementing various sorting algorithms.
    • qsort is an implementation of quicksort.
  • random contains utilities experimenting with randomness.
    • rnd displays integers generated by C's random number generator.