
Multithreaded, non-blocking Linux server framework in Rust

Primary LanguageRustMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0



hydrogen is a non-blocking socket server framework built atop epoll. It takes care of the tedious connection and I/O marshaling across threads, and leaves the specifics of I/O reading and writing up the consumer, through trait implementations.


hydrogen works with Stream trait Objects so any custom type can be used. simple-stream was built in conjunction and offers several stream abstractions and types including Plain and Secured streams with basic and WebSocket framing.


hydrogen is multithreaded. It uses one thread for accepting incoming connections, one for updating epoll reported event, and one used for marshalling I/O into a threadpool of a user specified size.

Slab allocation

The connection pool is managed as a slab, which means traversal times are similar to traversing a Vector, with an insertion and removal time of O(1).

Example Usage

extern crate hydrogen;
extern crate simple_stream as ss;

use hydrogen;
use hydrogen::{Stream as HydrogenStream, HydrogenSocket};
use ss::frame::Frame;
use ss::frame::simple::{SimpleFrame, SimpleFrameBuilder};
use ss::{Socket, Plain, NonBlocking, SocketOptions};

// Hydrogen requires a type that implements `hydrogen::Stream`.
// We'll implement it atop the `simple-stream` crate.
pub struct Stream {
    inner: Plain<Socket, SimpleFrameBuilder>

impl HydrogenStream for Stream {
    // This method is called when epoll reports data is available for reading.
    fn recv(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>, Error> {
        match self.inner.nb_recv() {
            Ok(frame_vec) => {
                let mut ret_buf = Vec::<Vec<u8>>::with_capacity(frame_vec.len());
                for frame in frame_vec.iter() {
            Err(e) => Err(e)

    // This method is called when a previous attempt to write has returned `ErrorKind::WouldBlock`
    // and epoll has reported that the socket is now writable.
    fn send(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let frame = SimpleFrame::new(buf);

    // This method is called when connection has been reported as reset by epoll, or when any
    // `std::io::Error` has been returned.
    fn shutdown(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
impl AsRawFd for Stream {
    fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd { self.inner.as_raw_fd() }

// The following will be our server that handles all reported events
struct Server;
impl hydrogen::Handler for Server {
    fn on_server_created(&mut self, fd: RawFd) {
        // Do any secific flag/option setting on the underlying listening fd.
        // This will be the fd that accepts all incoming connections.

    fn on_new_connection(&mut self, fd: RawFd) -> Arc<UnsafeCell<HydrogenStream>> {
        // With the passed fd, create your type that implements `hydrogen::Stream`
        // and return it.

    fn on_data_received(&mut self, socket: HydrogenSocket, buffer: Vec<u8>) {
        // Called when a complete, consumer defined, chunk of data has been read.

    fn on_connection_removed(&mut self, fd: RawFd, err: Error) {
        // Called when a connection has been removed from the watch list, with the
        // `std::io::Error` as the reason removed.

fn main() {
    hydrogen::begin(Server, hydrogen::Config {
        addr: "".to_string(),
        port: 1337,
        max_threads: 8,
        pre_allocated: 100000


Nathan Sizemore, nathanrsizemore@gmail.com


hydrogen is available under the MPL-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.