The pkaESSRIM program

Primary LanguagePython

pkaESSRIM.py is a program to find out the energy spectra of recoil atoms from the results of simulations using SRIM-2013 in a user-defined energy bin structure and also plot the spectra.
It will be useful to characterize ion-irradiation environments and corresponding related works.

These points refer to the program pkaESSRIM.py:-
--> pkaESSRIM.py is an interactive program to produce energy spectrum of recoil (pka) atoms
	formed due to impact of energetic ions.
--> first do an ion simulation for large number of times in SRIM-2013 with 'Quick' calculation mode
	and write the output in its collision.txt file.
--> keep this collision.txt file in your working directory.
--> prepare your recoil energy bins in a file called RecoilEnergyBins with number of energy points in the first line and a comment in the second line (see the file in the distribution).
--> run the program by giving inputs interactively.
--> get the output data files and the plots.

Please cite the following reference while using the program:
[Reference: A Study of Neutron and Ion Irradiation Induced Atomic Recoil Spectra with Newly Developed Tools RMINDD and pkaESSRIM for Materials Modelling
website: https://events.tuni.fi/uploads/2023/03/f1611564-pysicsdays2023_talk_abstracts.pdf (page 21)] 

Thank you for using the program pkaESSRIM.py.