During this workshop, you'll explore two approaches to Style Transfer, a technique that blends the style of an image with the content of another. You'll create beautiful artwork like this:
Created using Magenta
Created using Fast Style Transfer
As time remains, you'll also gain experience writing a basic TensorFlow program. We'll work with (you guessed it) handwritten digits. That said, our main goal is to get you started exploring Style Transfer - because - it's awesome.
Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to participate in the workshop.
You can either bring a laptop, or you may use a loaner Chromebook we provide on site. Either way, please install the software you need in advance (either on your laptop, or, by preparing a Cloud VM) as described in these instructions.
The easiest way is to use a Docker image we provide.
If you are bringing a laptop and want to install everything you need locally, please see these instructions to learn how to install and use the Docker image on your laptop.
If you are using a loaner Chromebook, or prefer to work in the Cloud, please see these instructions to learn how to configure a Cloud-based VM, and how to install and use the Docker image on it.
If you are an experienced developer and prefer not to use Docker, you may install the libraries you need manually.
Finished installing? Great! Preview the exercise instructions.
Here's a link to the slides.
Awesome. Check out these two pages for papers and code:
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Thanks! Can you please file an issue, or even better, a pull request? We'll be doing this workshop a couple times, and future developers will appreciate your help.
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