
A simple Tic Tac Toe game with Vue.js

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Let's play Tic Tac Toe with Vue.js 🤓



npm install


npm run serve

Run unit tests

npm run test:unit

🧑‍🏫 Rules

  • The game is played on a grid that's 3 squares by 3 squares.
  • The first player is X, the second player is O (both players are human).
  • The first player to get 3 of her marks in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner.
  • When all 9 squares are full, the game is over.

👉 Step 0

  • Clone the repository on your computer: git clone https://github.com/nicolaspayot/vue-ttt-game.git
  • Install the dependencies: npm install
  • Start the development server: npm run serve
  • Go to http://localhost:8080 and open the devtools 👀

👉 Step 1

The square logic


Display an X when the player X clicks on an empty square, and display an O when the player O clicks on an empty square.


  • Inspect Board.vue component in the Vue.js devtools and add some "X" and "O" to the squares data, see how the view automatically updates.
  • Refactor the Board component template to use a v-for loop instead of 9 hard coded squares.
  • To handle the logic of a square, create a Square.vue component with the following template:
<div class="game__box">
  <span>{{ value }}</span>
  • The Square component should contain a prop value and emits an event called "click" when the user clicks on <div class="game__box">.
  • The Board component should now use the Square component, pass the value of each square and react to the click events.
  • A click event should update the value of the given square ("X" or "O") and update the player. Use this.$set(array, index, value) so that squares updates reflect on the view.

👉 Step 2

The game status


Display X and O with different colors, display the game status (next player, winner or draw game).


  • In the Square component, on the root tag, dynamically add the classes game__box--x when value is "X" and game__box--o when value is "O".
  • Create a Status.vue component with the following template:
  <div class="game__status">
    <span>Next player is X</span>
  • The Status component should contain 3 props:

    • winner: String
    • player: String
    • isDRawGame: Boolean
  • Use these props in the template to display:

    • "Winner is X" (or "Winner is O") if there's a winner.
    • "That's a draw game" if there's a draw game.
    • "Next player is X" (or "Next player is O") if the game is still in progress
  • Use the Status component in the Board component just bellow the root tag : <div class="game"> and pass the required props.

  • The player prop is the current player. winner and isDrawGame are 2 computed that you should implement.

    • A function to find the winner is provided in src/utils/winner.js.

👉 Step 3

Highlight the winner


Improve the UI by highlighting the winner row and disabling the hover and click animations on empty squares when the game is over.


  • In the Square component, add 2 props:

    • isGameOver: Boolean
    • isWinner: Boolean
  • Then, dynamically add the classes game__box--over when the game is over and game__box--winner when the square is in a winning combination.

  • In Board component, create a new computed isGameOver that returns true when there's a winner or there's a draw game. Also, create a method isSquareWinner that returns true if the given square position is included in the winner positions.

  • Finally, pass the computed and the method call as props to the Square component.

👉 Step 4

Restart the game


Improve the UX (User eXperience) by allowing users to restart the game without reloading the whole application.


  • Create a Restart.vue component with the following template:
  <div class="game__action">
    <button>Restart game</button>
  • This component should emit an event called "click" when the user clicks on the button.
  • In the Board component template, add the Restart component on the last position inside the <div class="game"> tag.
  • Add a method restartGame that will reset the game on the click event of the Restart component.

👉 Step 5 (bonus)

Unit Tests


Add unit tests to make sure that the game meets all expectations and to prevent breaking changes.


The winner function

  • Test the winner function by creating a spec file in /tests/unit/utils/winner.spec.js with the following content:
import winner from "@/utils/winner";
import winningCombinations from "../fixtures/winning-combinations";

describe("winner function", () => {
  it("should return no winner for empty squares", () => {
    // Given
    const squares = ...;

    // When
    const { player, positions } = winner(squares);

    // Then
    // Do expectations on player and positions

  it("should return no winner for a draw game", () => {
    // Given
    const squares = ...;

    // When
    const { player, positions } = winner(squares);

    // Then
    // Do expectations on player and positions

  it("should return X as a winner and the winning positions", () => {
    // Given
    winningCombinations.forEach(([squares, winningCombination]) => {
      const { player, positions } = winner(squares);

      // Then
      // Do expectations on player and positions
  • To pass the tests, you need to:
    • Update squares value for 1st and 2nd tests.
    • Add expectations on player and positions for the all tests

The Board.vue component

  • Add more tests for the Board.vue component by updating the spec file in /tests/unit/components/Board.spec.js with the following content:
describe("Board.vue", () => {

  it("should be possible to play on an empty square when game is not over", () => {
    // TODO

  it("should not be possible to play on a non empty square when game is not over", () => {
    // TODO

  it("should not be possible to play when game has a winner", () => {
    // TODO

  it("should display the next player when game is not over", () => {
    // TODO

  it("should display the winner", () => {
    // TODO

  it("should display when game is a draw", () => {
    // TODO

👉 Step 6 (advanced workshop)



Add a lobby page before starting the game. In this lobby, you shall be able to name the players.


The Lobby.vue component

Create a new component that should allow you to set two player names. Add a button that will later launch the game using the Vue navigation mechanism.

Configure VueX

Add multiple steps to encapsulate player names and thus, have an easy way to share data across your components.

Configure Vue-Router

  • Add the dependency vue-router to your package.json and run npm install again.
  • Configure two paths for you app, one for the Lobby component and the other one to your Board component.

Adapt the existing components

  • Change App.vue to hold routing logic
  • The app should now point by default to the Lobby component and the restart button should also bring you back to the Lobby.
  • The status component can now retrieve player names from the store