This project is to provide a skeleton Hapi+Graphql+Typescript server with what I consider some best practices. So what is in it?
- The hapi REST framework with apollo-graphql
** Checkout: the
routes for some fun stuff. - Examples of graphql objects using TypeGraphql.
- Examples integration tests that use a raw injector.
- Example of a apollo datasource object that can be utilized in both hapi handlers and graphql resolvers.
- Docker builds that separate out running it locally vs. running for integration tests
- Uses ts-node0dev for automatic file watching and server recimpiling and restarting
- Examples of both promises and async await
- Passing variables from the top (dependency injection) which provides easy ways to provide mock objects for easier testing.
- Joi for request/response validation
It is my hope that this server will provide some useful examples that any team can take or leave, but overall provides some decent scaffolding.
- Fix linting issues with deocrators and "unused** variables
- Multistaged Dockerfiles for dev and production level builds
- Speed up jest in the docker container ** perhaps we want to do file watching?
- Choose another logger (good no nlonger supported) clean up output noise in tests
- Use the apollo-graphql-hapi plugin when it's fixed (see comments in copy/pasted code from that repo)
- Do we want to run the server inside of the docker container at all times? (I would prefer to)
- Do we want to use promises or async/await (means we might struggle with using bluebird, which is awesome)
- May need to provide a multi-stage build so we can install dev/production level deps for local dev
- Do we want to integrate TypeORM since it works well with TypeGraphql?
- Promises or async/await? Bluebird?