This folder contains two data sets.

(1) toothgrowth 

The scientist who collected this data set was interested in tooth growth in guinea pigs. They measured odontoblasts (cells responsible for tooth growth) of guinea pigs who received different doses of vitamin C / orange juice.

This data frame has three variables. 

This first (len) is odontoblast length in unspecified units.
The second (supp) is a nominal variable, indicating whether the guinea pig received vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid (VC) or orange juice (OJ).
The third is the dosage of supplement (0.5, 1, or 2 mg/day) that the guinea pig received.

(2) spinrates

The scientist who collected this data set was interested in how likely a batter was to swing and miss at a fastball in baseball. They were specifically interested in how this depended on the pitch velocity and the spin rate of the ball.

This data frame has three variables:
The velocity (velocity) of the ball, in mph.
The spin rate (spinrate) of the ball, in rpm
The likelihood of swinging and missing (swing_miss).