
Docker file for running Elasticsearch rally

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Docker file for running Elasticsearch rally

  1. Copy this file to your local directory
  2. Build this into an image using: docker build -t esrally:0.1 .
  3. Run this image using: docker run -it -d --net <network_name> esrally:0.1 bash
  4. Get IP address from the host machine: docker network inspect <network_name>
  5. Using IP address of the container attached to this network, test Elasticsearch from bash of ESRally: curl <elasticsearch's IP>:9200
  6. Invoke esrally using: esrally --track=geopoint --target-hosts=elasticsearch:9200 --challenge=append-no-conflicts-index-only --pipeline=benchmark-only

To download all tracks data: downloads the script from Github curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/rally-tracks/master/download.sh chmod u+x download.sh download all data for the geonames track ./download.sh geonames