
Swyt Coding Challenge Software Engineer

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Swyt Technical Exercise

Swyt Coding Challenge Software Engineer application by Mudassar Ali

API's (Backend)

A simple API to manage products and their categories built with Express.js, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, and Prisma ORM.

Technologies Used

  • Backend: Express.js with TypeScript
  • Database: PostgreSQL with Prisma ORM
  • Security: CORS, Helmet
  • Logger: Morgan
  • Utilities: body-parser, dotenv


  • Node.js (v21.6.2)
  • npm (10.7.0)
  • PostgreSQL (16.2)

Getting Started


  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone git@github.com:sahilbabu/swyt-technical-exercise.git
    cd backend
  2. Install Dependencies

    npm install
  3. Configure Environment Variables

    Create a .env file in the root directory:

    API_URL="http://localhost:3000/api/v1/products" #for CLI version
  4. Set Up the Database

    npx prisma migrate dev --name init

Running the Application

 npm run dev


  1. Run Unit Tests

    npm run test

API Endpoints

  1. Categories API

    1- Create Category Endpoint: POST /api/v1/categories Request Body:{ "name": "Category Name", "parentCategoryId": 1 // optional }

    2- List Categories Endpoint: GET /api/v1/categories

  2. Product API

    1- Create Product Endpoint: POST /api/v1/products Request Body:{ "name": "Product Name", "description": "Product Description", "price": 10.99, "image": "http://example.com/image.jpg", // URL or file upload "categoryId": 1 }

    2- List Product Endpoint: GET /api/v1/products Query Parameters: sortBy: Field to sort by (e.g., price). order: Sorting order (asc or desc). category: Filter by category ID. page: Page number for pagination. limit: Number of items per page.

Create a product using the CLI

  1. Run the following command

    npm run create-product

Vue3 Web APP

Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

cd vue3-app
npm install
npm run dev


  1. Building for Production

    npm run build

Web APP Tests

  1. Run Cypress

    npm run test:open
  2. Run all tests in headless mode

    npm run test