Welcome to Scrapbook

Scrapbook is a Rails application which allows you to store your photos in various user defined albums. User can Login/Register on the website and can create his/her Albums and then can add photos in it and can add tags on the added photos.

The Main Functionality in this application is to create Album, its photos and thier tags using nested forms and accepts_nested_attributes_for. The Various Gems/Plugins used by me in this application are:

  1. pg

  2. bcrypt-ruby

  3. simple_form

  4. paperclip

  5. kaminari

  6. twitter-bootstrap-rails

  7. best_in_place

  8. aws-sdk

  9. bootstrap-filestyle

  10. slimbox2

The above 8 are ruby gems and the last two are jquery plugins. The storage used is Amazon S3, Put your keys and bucket names in config/config.yml file to get it running.