Dropzone.js Multiupload with rename functionality

Scenrio: User wants to upload logos of tv channels/sports team etc, if he uploads one by one it is a hassle.

  • Rough design, how UI might look(How I intially imagined it to be)

UI drawn using excalidraw

Used these js lib

Lib Version Use
dropzone.min.js ^5.9.3 Multi drop images
Sortable.js ^* Sort dropzone instances
select2.min.js ^4.0.13 For multiselect
jquery.js ^0.3.1 simple add/remove items from dom

Using Html drag and drop API, was able to create the ui. Renaming is done via server side(Laravel),I just pass 2 arrays

  • Files
  • Names

Simply merge the arrays,save the file.

  • For backend check gist code