MERN Login API(JWT) w/ Express.js and MongoDB

A backend application using Node.js with the Express framework, that implements a JWT for login with the MongoDB.

●User can log in and sign up. NOTE: store password hashed(bcrypt) ● Login user can see all the users. ● Delete all users or delete single users.


Lib Version
express ^4.17.1
accesscontrol ^2.2.1
bcryptjs ^2.4.3
jsonwebtoken ^8.5.1
mongoose ^5.9.5
morgan ^1.10.0
cors ^2.8.5
dotenv ^8.2.0


After clone

$ cd backend
$ npm install

Starting the application

$ npm start


$ node server.js
Backend Folder Structure is simple
routes-contains routes and a middleware
controller- contains method for sign/sign in
model- db schema
helpers- contain helper function to deal with api error respons


After clone

$ cd frontend
$ npm install or yarn

Starting the application

$ npm start or yarn start
Frontend folder Structure
component-contains components and a middleware
context- react context api used
pages- login and dashboard page


  • Sign up
method: "POST"
url: "/signup"
body: {
"name": <String>,
    "email": <String>,
    "password": <String>,
  • Sign in
method: "POST"
url: "/login"
body: {
    "email": <String>,
    "password": <String>
  • Get all users [Log in required] pass the token provided on login as custom header name "x-access-token"
method: GET
url: "/users"
  • Delete all users from db
method: "DELETE"
url: "/delAll"
  • Delete single user from db
method: "DELETE"
url: "/user/:userId"

##React *Context api *Js fetch used to deal with APIs request