Friends backend w/ Express.js and Mysql

A backend application using Node.js with the Express framework, that implements a Shows friends details the Mysql.

  • User Listing.
  • User Friends Listing.
  • User Friends of Friend Listing.


Lib Version Used For
express ^4.17.1 basic routing
cors ^2.8.5 for cors
hashids ^2.0.1 encode & decode ids
mysql ^2.17.1 to interact with Mysql
knex ^1.0.2 DB migration and seed


**After clone **

  • update db configurations app/config/db.config.js
$ npm install
$ npm run migrate   //users and friends migration
$ npm run seed-dev   //seed the dummy data eg country and allies


$ npm run seed-prod   //seed the random data using faker

Starting the application

$ npm start


$ node server.js
Backend Folder Structure is simple
routes-contains routes and a middleware
controller- contains method for sign/sign in
model- db schema
helpers- contain helper function to deal with api error response and hashing ids


Postman Doc: Link

All routes are using cursor based pagination

  • Users List
method: "GET"
url: "/api/users"


Response Click to expand!
  "status": "success",
  "msg": "Sucesfully user list fetched",
  "limit": "4",
  "length": 4,
  "data": [
          "userid": 5,
          "name": "russia"
          "userid": 4,
          "name": "pakistan"
          "userid": 3,
          "name": "nepal"
          "userid": 2,
          "name": "bhutan"
  "next_cursor": "4YGeYxMW6J",
  "next_cursor_url": "/api/users?limit=4&next_cursor=4YGeYxMW6J"
  • Users Friend List
method: "GET"
url: "/api/users/:id/friendlist"


Response Click to expand!
    "status": "success",
    "msg": "Sucesfully user's friend list fetched",
    "limit": "50",
    "length": 2,
    "data": [
            "userid": 3,
            "name": "nepal"
            "userid": 2,
            "name": "bhutan"
    "next_cursor": "",
    "next_cursor_url": ""
  • Users Friend of friend List
method: "GET"
url: "/api/users/:id/friendoffriend"


Response Click to expand!
    "status": "success",
    "msg": "Sucesfully user's friend of friend list fetched",
    "limit": "5",
    "length": 2,
    "data": [
            "userid": 5,
            "name": "russia"
            "userid": 4,
            "name": "pakistan"
    "next_cursor": "",
    "next_cursor_url": ""

For simplicity sake we are going to assume countries and their allies

Dummy data

In db this is mapped differently

Id Countries Friends
1 India Nepal,Bhutan
2 bhutan Russia,India
3 nepal Russia,Pakistan,India
4 pakistan Nepal
5 russia Nepal,Bhutan

Get friend list

  • Hit user id 1 and it should return this
Id Countries Friends
1 India Nepal,Bhutan

Get Friends of friend

  • Hit user id 1 and it should return Pakistan,Russia
  • Hit user id 2 and it should return Nepal
  • Hit user id 3 and it should return empty
  • Hit user id 4 and it should return empty
  • Hit user id 5 and it should return India,Pakistan
Id Countries Friends Friends of friend
1 India Nepal,Bhutan Pakistan,Russia
2 Bhutan Russia,India Nepal
3 Nepal Russia,Pakistan,India
4 Pakistan Nepal
5 Russia Nepal,Bhutan India,Pakistan
  • HTML UI added For user

For user's friend


For friends of friends
