
Qr login php using ajax pooling

Primary LanguagePHP

How to run the project

  • rename .env.example to .env
  • add db connection in .env
composer install
php artisan migrate 
php artisan serve

Vist the link

Open incognito tab in browser

  • open http://baseurl/qrstest click on 'login with qr' button qr code comes up save the qr as image.

  • In your QR scanner tab import the QR image(for localhost only), it will be scanned. OR use the camera to scan(probably will work on prod)

Show QR Login

Display QR code

Three APIs

  • Create QR code from backend (api/login/create/qrcode)
  1. Poll scan/qrcode api
  2. Poll web/login/entry/login


1. Get QR code from backend

method: "POST"
url: "api/login/create/qrcode"

on success response

success: function(data) {
        if (data.status == 1) {
            var qrcodeimg = data.msg;
            $('#key').val(data.key); //key key in DOM
            //qrcodeimg looks like this: baseurl/sjjh222.png 
                $('.qrcode-img').attr('src', qrcodeimg); //set img on DOM
            var inter = setInterval(function() {
                //hit QRscan api
                is_sacn_qrcode(); //Poll For QR scan status
            }, 3000);

2. Poll for scanned qr status

method: "POST"
url: "api/login/scan/qrcode",

on success response

success: function(data) {
    if (data.status == 1) {
        // Scan code successfully   
        // Cancel timing tasks

        var is_login = setInterval(function() {
            //hit login api
            is_loginfun(); //Poll For Login status
        }, 3000);

    } else if (data.status == 2) {
        // Cancel timing tasks 

3. Poll for login qr status

method: "POST"
url: "web/login/entry/login",

on success response

success: function(data) {
    if (data.status == 1) {
        var uid = data.jwt;
        var user = data.user;
        console.log("user", user);
        //  var sign = data.sign;
        // Cancel timed tasks and clear cookies  

        console.log("login successfull", uid);

        $('.qrcode-img').attr('src', '');
        alert("login successfull", uid);
        window.location.href = '/';

    } else if (data.status == 2) {
        // Cancel timed tasks

QR scanner App

Scanner to be accessed by Authenticated User

Two APIs

  • Scan the QR code by qrreader,set the scanned text as api url
  1. Attach user passcode with the scanned QR code
  2. Do login in the QRcode


1. Send UserPasscode in header

method: "POST"
url: "/api/login/mobile/scan/qrcode?key=xxx&type=1",
headers: {'userpasscode': '$hashedid'}

on success response

success:function(data) {
              if (data.status==1 ){
              var qrcodeloginurl = data.msg;
<!-- qrcodeloginurl looks like this: /api/login/qrcodedoLogin?key=xxxx&type=scan&login=xxxx&sign=xxxx              -->

                  //hit 2nd api using the url recieved in msg key
              }else if(data.status==2){
              //qr expired

2. qrcodedoLogin(qrcodeloginurl), qrcodeloginurl: came from the 1st api response

method: "POST"
url: qrcodeloginurl,

on success response

success:function(data) {
              if (data.status==1 ){
              var msg = data.msg;
                  //QR code login successfull
              }else if(data.status==2){
              //qr expired
  • QR test page in incognito mode QR test
  • When QR scanned When QR scanned successfully
  • Things happening in the console WS console