
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Script to fix messed up dates

The scrpit requires mongoDB 4 or 5 to use the advanced aggregate pipelines

Use these commands to fix the data

node fixDatesWithSpaces1.js //manually alter the reacord using id
node fixDatesWIthYearOnly2.js
node fixDatesWith2DigitYear3.js
node fixDatewithProperFormat4.js

Note: fixDatesWithSpaces1 is complicated,first fix the spelling mistakes manually and then rerun the script

Format Production DB/Total counts regex to put in match pipline Dates Script used
All customer 16151
m/d/yyyyy or d/m/yyyyy 23 dob:/^\d{1}\/\d{1}\/\d{4}$/ 9/8/1971 fixDatewithProperFormat4
yyyy/mm/dd 3 dob:/^\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}$/ 1988/03/24 fixDatewithProperFormat4
mm/dd/yyyy 2779 dob:/^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$/ 12/15/1973 fixDatewithProperFormat4
mm/dd/yy 55 dob: /^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}$/ 03/11/55 fixDatesWith2DigitYear3
m/dd/yyyy 64 dob:/^\d{1}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$/ 6/15/1965 fixDatewithProperFormat4
mm/d/yyyy 7 dob:/^\d{2}\/\d{1}\/\d{4}$/ 11/1/1990 fixDatewithProperFormat4
mm/d/yy 1 dob:/^\d{2}\/\d{1}\/\d{2}$/ 10/5/67 fixDatesWith2DigitYear3
m/d/yy 6 dob:/^\d{1}\/\d{1}\/\d{2}$/ 2/2/68 fixDatesWith2DigitYear3
yyyy-mm-dd 13129 dob:/^\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}$/ 1990-03-22 fixDatewithProperFormat4
yy-mm-dd or mm-dd-yy 1 dob:/^\d{2}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}$/ 90-08-22 pending
mm-dd-yyyy 2 dob:/^\d{2}\-\d{2}\-\d{4}$/ 12-08-1973 pending
m/dd/yy 18 dob:/^\d{1}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}$/ 4/12/61 fixDatesWith2DigitYear3
contains , 33 dob: /,/ May 22, 1986 fixDatesWithSpaces1
contains space 23 dob: / / Decemeber 03 1993 fixDatesWithSpaces1
yyyy 7 dob:/^[0-9]*$/ 1983 fixDatesWIthYearOnly2

node fixDatesWithSpaces1.js

2 functions used
  1. findDatesWithSpace // finds the 'date with spaces' and returns the documentin array which faild during conversion
  2. updateAlldateString // if 1st function returns 0 error then this script fixes the dates and merges them with the document Screenshot from 2022-07-21 19-31-40

node fixDatesWIthYearOnly2.js

2 functions used
  1. findDatesWithYearOnlyCount //finds dates with only number eg: 1983
  2. updateAlldateWithYearString // "1983-01-01" Screenshot from 2022-07-21 19-52-40

node fixDatesWith2DigitYear3.js

2 functions used
  1. findAlldateWithUnusualYearString //targets m/dd/yy , m/d/yy ,mm/d/yy ,mm/dd/yy and return count
  2. updateAlldateWithUnusualYearString // 2 pipeline used cuz mongo can't process dates below 1970 so
  3. fix the converted dates between 2000-3000
  4. fix the converted dates not in between 2000-3000
    Screenshot from 2022-07-21 20-24-43