IUDX Analytics Pipeline

FISKR (Fisker) Pipeline

This data ingestion and analytics pipline is acronymed based on the components involved in it:

  • RabbitMQ - The main consumer of IUDX data. Publishes data into RMQ Exchange where broker sends to appropriate queues for consumption into the databases and analytic blocks.
  • Flink - Distributed processing engine. Consumes the stream of data from RMQ Broker and sinks it into Kudu Tables.
  • Kudu - Distributed data storage engine for faster analytics. The data stream is stored into column-oriented data store for OLTP purposes.
  • Impala - Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) SQL query engine. It is used to query Kudu tables using external table mapping.
  • Superset - Visualization engine with large scale distribution capabilities.

System Requirements

Setting this application will require multiple servers and of different configurations depending on the scale and number of datasources.

  • RabbitMQ:
    • Memory - Recommended 4 GB.
  • Flink:
    • Java 8 or 11.
    • Memory - Minimum 4 GB, Recommended 8 GB.
    • Storage Space - 30 GB recommended.
  • Kudu:
    • Memory - Recommended 4 GB.
    • Storage Space - 52 GB recommended.
  • Impala:
    • Memory - Recommended 8 GB.
    • Storage Space - 128 GB or more recommended, ideally 256 GB or more.
  • Superset:
    • Memory - Recommended 8 GB.
    • Storage Space - 40 GB recommended.

Components Setup order

RMQ -> Kudu -> Flink -> Impala -> Superset -> Apps

Components Setup

In order to setup the FISKR pipeline, a lot of components need to be setup individually and in a proper sequence.

Usual deployments will have to follow the following sequence.


RabbitMQ needs to be setup before everything so that the other components do find the queues while starting up.

cd scripts/start_services


Kudu stores the streaming data into a column-oriented database. It needs to be started before starting flink job so that Flink is able to find Kudu masters running beforehand.

cd scripts/start_services


Flink adds the RMQ consumer as source to pull the data and sinks it into the Kudu tables. A Flink job can be setup locally using maven.

cd flink-connectors/FlinkStreamingKudu
mvn clean package
cp dataConfig.properties target/dataConfig.properties
cd target
java -jar IUDXAnalyticsExperiment-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Also, this JAR file can be submitted as job to the Flink cluster. Its setup and code will be updated soon.


Impala is used to query into Kudu tables. It creates a mapping table (external table) which creates a link to the Kudu table. Then, SQL queries can be run in impala-shell to access Kudu tables' data.

cd scripts/start_services


Superset performs analysis over the data and creates visualization. It connects to the impala database using its URL.

cd scripts/start_services

Running Components


Since RMQ service is on, the data can be pushed to RMQ exchange from publisher.

cd extras/RMQPublisher/FlinkKuduPublisher
pip install -r requirements.txt
python publisher.py

This starts up the publisher.

Impala Shell

The data gets pushed into the Kudu table. This table needs to mapped to impala external table so that it can be queried. So, impala-shell needs to be installed and then connected to impala service.

pip install impala-shell==3.4.0

The impala-shell, then needs to create an external table to map to kudu table. We can also create a separate database to store Kudu tables.

    'kudu.table_name' = 'iudx005'

Now, this table can be accessed from Superset easily.


The Impala database can be linked to the Superset very conveniently. The following URL can access the Impala database.

The expected connection string is formatted as follows:


For example:


Note: IP should not be hardcoded. This IP is the value of QUICKSTART_LISTEN_ADDR which is declared initialized while starting the Impala service.

Future Works

Two new Apache Airflow and Apache Arrow based pipelines are in work in progress.