Learn Playwright

Probably (todo: checkout):

  • We can install only single browser too like that: npm i playwright-chromium (source: Click here)

  • My google doc notes: Click here

  • Course Playlist: Click here


I have disabled webkit browser in playwright.config.ts file because my manjaro (arch based) linux does not yet able to run webkit brower. Though chromium and firefox runs quite well.

Installation via CLI

Install browser via npx playwright install. In my case it installed following: Chromium 119.0.6045.9, Firefox 118.0.1 and Webkit 17.4.

Install Playwright operating system dependencies (requires sudo / root): sudo npx playwright install-deps

My bash Aliases:

# Playwright Aliases
alias pt='npx playwright test --project=chromium'
alias pth='npx playwright test --headed --project=chromium'
# LEARN: Open `Playwright Inspector` ((helpful in debugging & step by step execution))
alias ptd='npx playwright test --project=chromium --debug'
# ❤️  Playwright watch script: source: https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/21960#issuecomment-1483604692
alias ptw='PWTEST_WATCH=1 npx playwright test --project=chromium'
# ❤️  Playwright watch script with UI mode
alias ptu='npx playwright test --project=chromium --ui'
# "watch": "nodemon -e spec.ts -x 'npx playwright test --project=chromium'",
# "watch-headed": "nodemon -e spec.ts -x 'npx playwright test --headed --project=chromium' -w tests"

Inside that directory, you can run several commands:

npx playwright test * Runs the end-to-end tests.

npx playwright test --headed * Run test in headed mode

npx playwright test --ui ❤️ Starts the interactive UI mode.

npx playwright test --project=chromium * Runs the tests only on Desktop Chrome.

npx playwright test --project=chromium --project=firefox * Runs the tests only on Desktop Chrome and Firefox. * Available options: chromium, firefox, webkit

npx playwright test exampleFileNameHere Runs the tests in a specific file.

npx playwright test exampleFileNameHere1 exampleFileNameHere2 Runs multiple test files.

npx playwright test -g textInTestTitle Runs test with title. Eg., npx playwright test -g "get started link"

npx playwright test --debug Runs the tests in debug mode. * LEARN: By default debug mode will run in headed mode.

npx playwright test exampleFileNameHere --debug Run a file with debug mode.

npx playwright test example.spec.ts:10 --debug Run a file with debug mode and only break on particular test.

npx playwright show-trace PATH-TO-FILE___trace.zip npx playwright show-trace ./test-results/record1_demo-record-demo-test-chromium-retry1/trace.zip Open Trace Viewer and open the last trace reports. NOTE: Traces are recorded only on retries (so make sure the value of retries is a non-zero value in playwright.config.ts file)

We suggest that you begin by typing:

`npx playwright test`

And check out the following files:

  • ./tests/example.spec.ts - Example end-to-end test
  • ./tests-examples/demo-todo-app.spec.ts - Demo Todo App end-to-end tests
  • ./playwright.config.ts - Playwright Test configuration

Visit https://playwright.dev/docs/intro for more information.

Installation via vscode pallete

From pallete select: Test: Install Playwright

Playwright help command

$ npx playwright -h
# Usage: npx playwright [options] [command]
# Options:
#   -V, --version                          output the version number
#   -h, --help                             display help for command
# Commands:
#   open [options] [url]                   open page in browser specified via -b,
#                                          --browser
#   codegen [options] [url]                open page and generate code for user
#                                          actions
#   install [options] [browser...]         ensure browsers necessary for this
#                                          version of Playwright are installed
#   uninstall [options]                    Removes browsers used by this
#                                          installation of Playwright from the
#                                          system (chromium, firefox, webkit,
#                                          ffmpeg). This does not include branded
#                                          channels.
#   install-deps [options] [browser...]    install dependencies necessary to run
#                                          browsers (will ask for sudo
#                                          permissions)
#   cr [options] [url]                     open page in Chromium
#   ff [options] [url]                     open page in Firefox
#   wk [options] [url]                     open page in WebKit
#   screenshot [options] <url> <filename>  capture a page screenshot
#   pdf [options] <url> <filename>         save page as pdf
#   show-trace [options] [trace...]        show trace viewer
#   test [options] [test-filter...]        run tests with Playwright Test
#   show-report [options] [report]         show HTML report
#   help [command]                         display help for command

Possible things to try if your playwright browsers does not work

# From aur (this is not needed for me though, webkit does not work but chrome and firefox does, YAY!!)
yay -S playwright

# Another thing to try with manjaro
# https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/2621#issuecomment-931530175

Codegen help text

npx playwright codegen -h: You can get all the options for codegen.

npx playwright codegen: Auto generate tests (record tests) with Codegen.

npx playwright codegen --browser=firefox: For using firefox for codegen

npx playwright codegen --target javascript -o ./tests/record2_demo.spec.ts

Learn: Here 400 is width and 600 is height.

npx playwright codegen --target javascript -o ./tests/record4_demo.spec.ts --viewport-size=400,600

Open browser in dark mode enabled (this will only work if the target website supports the dark mode, for e.g., playwright.dev, the official website does support this option).

Way 1: (original way works as well, i.e, if you now go to playwright.dev site in browser that will open in dark mode enabled) npx playwright codegen --target javascript -o ./tests/record4_demo.spec.ts --color-scheme=dark

Way 2: If you directly specify the url as argument to codegen command that will work too: npx playwright codegen --target javascript -o ./tests/record4_demo.spec.ts --color-scheme=dark playwright.dev

-- ISSUE WITH --device command on my manjaro currently; TODO: FIX ---

Learn: You this command to get list of available devices you can use for --device option: npx playwright codegen --target javascript -o ./tests/record4_demo.spec.ts --device=1

Learn: Below command throws error currently (please check my google doc file for follow up). npx playwright codegen --target javascript -o ./tests/record4_demo.spec.ts --device="iPhone 11"

Some curated options of codegen help output:

#   -o, --output <file name>             saves the generated script to a file
#   -b, --browser <browserType>          browser to use, one of cr, chromium, ff, firefox, wk, webkit (default: "chromium")
#   --channel <channel>                  Chromium distribution channel, "chrome", "chrome-beta", "msedge-dev", etc
#   --color-scheme <scheme>              emulate preferred color scheme, "light" or "dark"
#   --device <deviceName>                emulate device, for example  "iPhone 11"
#   --geolocation <coordinates>          specify geolocation coordinates, for example "37.819722,-122.478611"
#   --load-storage <filename>            load context storage state from the file, previously saved with --save-storage
#   --proxy-server <proxy>               specify proxy server, for example "http://myproxy:3128" or "socks5://myproxy:8080"
#   --proxy-bypass <bypass>              comma-separated domains to bypass proxy, for example ".com,chromium.org,.domain.com"
#   --timezone <time zone>               time zone to emulate, for example "Europe/Rome"
#   --user-agent <ua string>             specify user agent string
#   --viewport-size <size>               specify browser viewport size in pixels, for example "1280, 720"

All help text:

$ npx playwright codegen -h
# Usage: npx playwright codegen [options] [url]
# open page and generate code for user actions
# Options:
# ### NOTE: ~Sahil: I have removed options that I have selected above in **curated list**
#   --target <language>                  language to generate, one of javascript, playwright-test, python, python-async, python-pytest, csharp, csharp-mstest, csharp-nunit, java (default: "playwright-test")
#   --save-trace <filename>              record a trace for the session and save it to a file
#   --test-id-attribute <attributeName>  use the specified attribute to generate data test ID selectors
#   --block-service-workers              block service workers
#   --ignore-https-errors                ignore https errors
#   --lang <language>                    specify language / locale, for example "en-GB"
#   --save-har <filename>                save HAR file with all network activity at the end
#   --save-har-glob <glob pattern>       filter entries in the HAR by matching url against this glob pattern
#   --save-storage <filename>            save context storage state at the end, for later use with --load-storage
#   --timeout <timeout>                  timeout for Playwright actions in milliseconds, no timeout by default
#   -h, --help                           display help for command
# Examples:
#   $ codegen
#   $ codegen --target=python
#   $ codegen -b webkit https://example.com

Bad things about playwright