

This project is an Event Management API built in Node.js that allows users to create, view, update, and delete events. Additionally, users can register for events, and the API sends a confirmation email upon successful registration.

Task: Event Management API

Goal: Build a simple event management API with the following features:

  • Event Creation: Users can create new events.
  • Event Retrieval: Users can view a list of events or details of a specific event.
  • Event Update: Users can update existing events.
  • Event Deletion: Users can delete events.
  • User Registration: Users can register for an event and receive a confirmation email.


API Endpoints

  • POST /events: Create a new event.

    • Fields: name, description, date, location.
  • GET /events: Retrieve a list of events with pagination support.

  • GET /events/:id: Retrieve event details by ID.

  • PUT /events/:id: Update event details by ID.

  • DELETE /events/:id: Delete an event by ID.

  • POST /events/:id/register: Register a user for the event.

    • Fields: name, email.


  • Use MongoDB to store event data and user registrations.


  • Validate incoming data using Joi.
  • Ensure the event's date is not in the past during creation or updating.

Error Handling

  • Implement proper error handling for:
    • Invalid data.
    • Non-existent event IDs.
    • Failed email delivery.

Additional Features

  • Pagination: Add pagination for listing events.
  • File Upload: Implement file upload functionality for event banners or images.

Project Setup


  • Node.js (v22.1.0 or higher)
  • MongoDB (Local or Atlas)
  • Nodemailer (for email functionality)
  • Ethereal test account


  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd Digitalcube-Task-Event-Management-API
  2. Install Dependencies

    npm install
  3. Set Up Environment Variables

  • Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following:

  1. Running the Server

    npm run start

The server will run on http://localhost:5000.