Musicorum - Music Making Website


With this project I aim to present and make a website for the music industry. A hub for people to play music, Learn music and enjoy music online through a database of musical instruments and functionalities


The project basically presents a Music website where the user can view services offered on the page as they surf through it. There are 5 dedicated sections to the website 

  1. Landing page– To look at overall website and features
  2. Play Area – To play/learn music online such as a Synthesizer
  3. Creative Space – Special section for mental health and meditation involving music from around the world
  4. Review Area – Where people can give their reviews about the services
  5. Chat Area - To text with an instructor or someone else on the platform

The user can select from these 5 areas to either play sounds, play musical instruments, The user can play certain musical instruments online to learn more about them or understand certain instruments and how they work or the user can even switch to Creative space and relax a little if playing music gets hard on them. The website is specifically designed for people who do not know much about the music industry but always wanted to learn music.

Technologies Used

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. Bootstrap
  5. Node.Js
  6. Tone.Js
  8. Mongo DB