
Primary LanguageHTML

How to deploy a blog post

  • On master branch in root of blog directory, make a post or whatever changes. A new post can be made via
blogdown::new_post(title = "Name of new post", ext = ".Rmd")
  • To add images not generated by R, you need to copy the images to the static/post folder, and then use the RStudio addin for inserting the image. Be sure to prepend the link with /blog/.
  • You do not need to compile the .Rmd file because the blogdown::build_site() in the deploy script does it for you.
  • (UPDATE 2020) You dont need to do this, the deploy script should do it for you: git add --all and then git commit -m "message" and then git push origin master so that you keep the source of the blog up-to-date and version controlled
  • then run ./deploy "enter a commit message here in quotes" from the root of the blog directory on the master branch. this will build the site and push to gh-pages branch (you will be prompted for password)
  • (UPDATE 2020) If you get a message about "Preparing worktree (checking out 'gh-pages') fatal: 'public' already exists", then try running git worktree prune before running the deploy script
  • this will leave un-committed changes to the residual files from building the website in the content/ and static folder. Not sure what to do with these. I guess leave it for now. It will get committed the next time you commit something on master. Or manually remove them before the next commit.
  • command so that git doesnt ask you for passwords all the time:
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'