
Kotlin logging

Primary LanguageKotlin


Functional Logging Library based on SL4J and Logback

klogging is a functional approach to dealing with logging in json format with support for markers


The library can be obtained from Jitpack.

repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.sahlone:klogging:$version'


Create Logger object

val logger = createContextualLogger()

Log statement examples. Please look into test cases for more examples.

 logger.debug(TracingContext(), {"data" to DataObject()}) { "A debug message" }
 logger.errorWithCause(TracingContext(),throwable, {"data" to DataObject()}) { "A error message" }

Reporting issues

Don't shy away from creating a github issue, A PR for the fix is always welcome as well.