What is this app?

Though this is a blogging app, it is not a blogging network where everyone can blog. It can designed for a purposed to be used by an organisation as its blogging paltform. Only person who can post on the system is the organisation's representatives

Who are the users

There are two types of users one is a regular 'user' and the other one is an 'admin'. Only those who register for an account can see the blog posts and only admins can post.


This contains the following features.


As stated above, in order to access to the system, one must create an account. Even though Anyone create an account and register using a registration form, they can only register as a regular 'user'. However, 'admin' accounts are and should be created only by the system administrators. The system is designed this way to ensure security. If anyone can become an 'admin', they can post and ruin company's reputation. The number of 'admins' created is up to the system administrator.


Regular 'users' can Only viw blog posts whereas 'admins' can create, update, and delete blog posts in addition to viewing them like regular 'users'.

Other Features

Following are the rest of the funcitons of the system which are self explainatory.

  • Viewing Blog Posts
  • Adding Blog Posts
  • Updating Blog posts
  • Deleting Blog Posts

Technologies Used

Following technologies are used by the developer to crate this system

  • Laravel
  • Bootstrap
  • HTML


This project was designed and developed solely by Shafeeq Ahmed