One Book Desktop View


'One Book' is the title of the project. This project aimes to develop a book stock managment app in a enviroment where books are lent to and returned by members. The system is applicable in a front desk of a library like setting.


Desktop View

One Book Desktop View

Mobile View

One Book Desktop View


Following were the requirements or functions expected out of the system.

  • Display a list of all books with their details (title, author, price, stock) on the homepage.
  • Add a new book with a form that includes fields for title, author, price, and stock.
  • Edit the details of a book, including the stock.
  • Delete a book.
  • Record the issuance of a book by reducing its stock count. Each issuance should be associated with a user or member.
  • Record the return of a book by increasing its stock count. Each return should be associated with a user or member.
  • If a book's stock count becomes zero, display a message indicating that the book is out of stock.

Techologies Used

  • The system was build using the laravel framework.
  • MySQL was used as the database in the backend.
  • Front-end was created using Laravel Blade components and CSS is used to style the UI
  • Further the Eloquent ORM is used by Laravel to interact with the database using models that corresponds with tables.
  • The Laravel routing was used to handle the page routing or navigation
  • It is a responsive soluiton that renders in screens of differnt sizes


The system is applicable in a front desk of a library like setting. A user must login in order to use the One Book system.

  • Following is the example login credential.


The project was built by me (Shafeeq Ahmed Mohammed Waseen) for the purpose of skill demonstration.