
It is a webapp made on the theme of women safety and with the motto "Women Empowering Women".

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


It is a web application with the motto "Women Empowering Women".

Link: https://wecare2020.herokuapp.com

Presentation Link: https://wecare2020.netlify.com

Prototype Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNQuTlKCpN0&feature=youtu.be

Features of our WebApp:

  1. SafeGuides.
  2. Connect with unknown people and become friends for a lifetime.
  3. SafeZones.
  4. SOS.
  5. Report crimes like domestic violence, trafficking and prostitution.
  6. Helpline Numbers.
  7. Learn to fight back.
  8. Authorization/Authentication.

We are trying to make people aware of the ignorance on the very sensitive issue of women safety. Our basic goal is to make people realise their responsibilities towards this very issue. We are using technology as a adhesive to bring together people irrespective of culture and religion. We also aim to eradicate all the social evils in the way of progress of women in today's society with the motto of "Women Empowering Women".



We have developed a solution for any person who is stuck in an area unknown, here in this case a SafeGuide can be of great help who can help the person to commute in and out of the area safely in case of an emergency. SafeGuides would be people who voluntarily come forward to help and do their part in handling the issue of women safety.A Reputation Icon would be shown on the user account and it would help in ranking them in order of their good deeds.


Connect with unknown people and become friends for a Lifetime. Sometimes one wishes to go to a particular event but submits to the hesitation of going stag due to her safety reasons. We have included a pairing option which can help women to pair with others and not only have companions to take along for a event but also help them make friends with other women.


SafeHouse is the perfect addition to our application. Under this feature we have our database with the locations such as Government Hospitals, Police Stations , Airports,24/7 Shops and Coffee Shops registered as SafeHouse locations. This data would be discreet and would be located with the help of coordinates on the Google Maps application once the user selects the location. If any women is not feeling safe and needs a safe place to be , she can search the SafeHouses near her and locate to the nearest SafeHouse and wait for her ride or SafeGuide.


SOS (SAVE OUR SOULS) is a very important feature to our application whether its android/ios or web. It will send the exact coordinates to the person to the emergency contact via SMS service in Android/IOS and via email on the website. We have specially used the Geolocation Coordinates just so the emergency contact doesn't gets confused with the location on the map and providing the coordinates would really help to locate the user exactly.


  • Linked to digital police website for complaints about domestic violence, trafficking and prostitution.
  • Tutorials about self defense techniques and learning to fight back.
  • Helpline Numbers in case of an emergency.

Working towards our motto we can create a social network where women can share their daily lives inspiring stories where they fought against all odds to achieve success. They can post pictures of how they managed the difficult conditions with the help of SafeGuides and SafeHouses. It can be stories how SOS really saved their souls and helped them in the tough conditions. It can be a way of getting people encouraged and excited to come forward and volunteer in spreading awareness about Women Safety and also ignite a fire in them to help others and encourage others too.

Getting the Sources

First, fork the WeCare2020 repository so that you can make a pull request. Then, clone your fork locally: git clone https://github.com/[your-github-account]/WeCare2020.git Occasionally you will want to merge changes in the upstream repository (the official code repo) with your fork.

cd WeCare2020
git checkout master
git pull https://github.com/hargun79/WeCare2020.git master

Manage any merge conflicts, commit them, and then push them to your fork.

To setup all node modules, in the terminal run:

npm install


in the terminal just run

node app.js