Pinned Repositories
Utilized time series forecasting and regression analysis on a dataset of 30 car models to predict sales and prices, aiding industry decision-making
Created a correlation matrix to find important elements impacting institution rankings after doing extensive data investigation and cleaning to guarantee data accuracy and consistency and K-means clustering was used to find the best universities, giving stakeholders useful information.
Optimized transportation routes for energy efficiency by implementing binary decision variables and using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP).
Evaluating the strategies and selecting the best suitable strategy for implementing I4.0 in Industries with MCDM method (FAHP).
Global Procurement and Sourcing of MRO Products
Realized a 25% increase in the efficiency of managing patient waiting lists and resource allocation by implementing a real-time healthcare dashboard utilizing Power BI and DAX Measures and also Conducted detailed trend analysis for in-patient and outpatient categories aiding healthcare practitioners in making informed decisions
Developed an interactive Power BI dashboard to track patient waiting lists and analyze trends for inpatient and outpatient categories.
Analyzed the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) in detail and refined iteratively, using Dia Editor to improve the system's functionality in data structure.
Developed and enforced SLA frameworks and automated case creation processes, improving issue resolution and consumer query management and implemented efficient case assignment systems and real-time routing for high-priority issues to enhance immediate resolution by managers.
Utilized statistical analysis & regression models to assess customer feedback, behavior, loans, revenue & assets providing actionable insights for business improvement.
sai-lokeshs's Repositories
Utilized time series forecasting and regression analysis on a dataset of 30 car models to predict sales and prices, aiding industry decision-making
Created a correlation matrix to find important elements impacting institution rankings after doing extensive data investigation and cleaning to guarantee data accuracy and consistency and K-means clustering was used to find the best universities, giving stakeholders useful information.
Optimized transportation routes for energy efficiency by implementing binary decision variables and using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP).
Evaluating the strategies and selecting the best suitable strategy for implementing I4.0 in Industries with MCDM method (FAHP).
Global Procurement and Sourcing of MRO Products
Realized a 25% increase in the efficiency of managing patient waiting lists and resource allocation by implementing a real-time healthcare dashboard utilizing Power BI and DAX Measures and also Conducted detailed trend analysis for in-patient and outpatient categories aiding healthcare practitioners in making informed decisions
Developed an interactive Power BI dashboard to track patient waiting lists and analyze trends for inpatient and outpatient categories.
Analyzed the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) in detail and refined iteratively, using Dia Editor to improve the system's functionality in data structure.
Developed and enforced SLA frameworks and automated case creation processes, improving issue resolution and consumer query management and implemented efficient case assignment systems and real-time routing for high-priority issues to enhance immediate resolution by managers.
Utilized statistical analysis & regression models to assess customer feedback, behavior, loans, revenue & assets providing actionable insights for business improvement.