
Aws – cloud

Compute: Ec2 Storage: s3, ebs, efs Containerization: Ecs, Eks nodegroup and eks fargate Serverless: lambda, apigateway, sqs and sns, stepfuntions and event bridge Networking: vpc, vpc endpoints , vpc peering, securitygroups, nacls, elastic ip, network interface, transit gateway, direct connect – no setup experience, just used Monitoring & logging: Cloudwatch Infrastructure: CloudFormation and boto3


Devops – Jenkins, Gitlab Source code management – GitHub, gitlab and bitbucket Build tools – Maven or Gradle Sonarqube – codescan Artifactory – Storage of artifacts and docker images Docker – Kubernetes and helm

Infrastructure provision:

CloudFormation, Terraform and boto3

SSL certificates:

Openssl, mtls, tls


Logz.io, ELK – elastic search , Logstash and Kibana


Dynatrace , Prometheus and Grafana image