
Rails application for disability studies at ship

Primary LanguageRuby


Working on

Professor integration allows for smart matching of name or email

Active TODO List


Remove a submission from the main list


Saving a submission / tested

New submission / tested

List submissions by date

Paginate by date so that all submissions on a date are on the same screen

Professor integrated to submission forms

Professor integration allows for smart matching of name or email

Professor name / email are linked together (clicking one fills in the other)

View all professors and their submissions

Reader / scribe / laptop for a submission (new, show, list)

Disability Studies application for Shippensburg University which replaces an all paper test submission form with a web based solution


Clone this with git and then run the following command in the project. Follow the installation instructions to install Ruby first: ruby.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book#sec-rubygems

bundle install

This will install all of the gem dependencies, and the application is ready to run

Run Tests

RSpec is used to test most functionality. All tests can be run via “rspec” on the command line. Before doing this, you may need to update your migrations with “rake db:migrate test”

Run Server

Run “rake db:migrate” to get the latest db version. Then run “rail s” to begin a server.