
Dotfiles for command line stuff

Primary LanguageShell


Dotfiles for command line stuff.

run setup

In this folder you will want to run:

./setup.sh FLAVOR

Where FLAVOR is a name unique to the environment / computer you are setting up.

You probably need the Xcode command line tools installed, which you can do with:

xcode-select --install


Not all are needed.

Many of these are installed through Homebrew, which you can install here.

AWS Vault - aws-vault

Used to store AWS credentials in macOS Keychain, instead of plaintext.

brew install --cask aws-vault

NodeJS version manager - nvm

You need the Xcode command line tools installed first!

Install instructions on the Github page.

# install a version of nodejs
nvm install VERSION
# set a version as the default
nvm alias default VERSION

Ruby version manager - rbenv

# install
brew install rbenv ruby-build
# install a ruby version
rbenv install VERSION

Terraform version manager - tfenv

# install
brew install tfenv
# install a version of terraform
tfenv install VERSION

launch on login

To launch commands when logging in, you can do this:

Create a text file containing your commands (bash script):


# Start the MongoDB server
/Applications/MongoDB/bin/mongod --dbpath /usr/local/mongo/data --fork --logpath /usr/local/mongo/log

Save this file in ~/Library/Startup.cmd
You can test it by double-clicking the file in the Finder
Make it executable: chmod +x ~/Library/Startup.cmd
Add this file in System Preferences > Accounts > Login items

note that the file can be anywhere, doesn't have to end with .cmd either. just chmod +x it

Start Automator.app;
Select "Application";
Click "Show library" in the toolbar (if hidden);
Add "Run shell script" (from the Actions/Utilities);
Copy-and-paste your script into the window;
Test it;
Save it somewhere: a file called your_name.app will be created);
Depending your MacOSX version:
    Old versions: Go to System Preferences → Accounts → Login items, or
    New version: Go to System Preferences → Users and Groups → Login items (top right);
Add this newly-created app;

Log off, log back in, and you should be done. ;)