
Generate static HTML files from Noddity posts

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A static site generator for Noddity posts.


You can either

npm i noddity-generator-cli -g

or install locally and use npx.


generate-noddity --root=./my-posts --output=./public *.md *.mmd


  • root: the directory to scrape for posts. Defaults to the current working directory
  • output [required]: the directory where the html files should be created
  • template: [required]: the template html file content should be injected into. The file should contain {{{html}}}
  • data: path to a js/json file to be 'require'd as the data object
  • filter: path to a js file exposing a filter function that determines if a post should be included in the index
  • feed: path to a js/json file containing urlRoot, title, author, outputFileName, feedUrl
  • all other unlabeled arguments are patterns to match files against. Defaults to *.md

This tool assumes that you have a file named post in the root directory, with that post file containing {{{html}}} in the place where the content should be injected.
