
Mildly opinionated user authentication, using leveldb

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A dnode compliant user authentication system, using leveldb.

Calls to the exported functions expect the following object, more or less:

var input = {
	user: { // identifies an existing user
		token: 'a v4 uuid',
		username: 'a username, like "saibotsivad" (see docs for implemenations not using usernames)',
		password: 'used here only when logging in, essentially in place of the token',
		resetToken: 'when resetting the password or logging in over email, this is the single-use token'
	fields: { // identifies changing data
		password: 'when setting a new password or creating a user',
		username: 'when changing the username or creating a user',
		email: 'when adding, deleting, or verifying an email, or creating a user'

Responses from the exported functions contain some of the following fields:

var output = {
	err: {
		msg: 'if there is a message it will be here'
		// each exported function may have a testable error, which
		// is just a convenience field, it either exists as true
		// or is undefined. Check each method for it's own errors.
	user: { // the user data that was sent in, after modification
		token: {
			id: 'generated token or existing one',
			expires: 'the date the token expires'
		username: 'the username',
		emails: [
				email: 'email address',
				verified: 'the date the email was verified, otherwise undefined'
	fields: {} // fields added using the addField() method

Data stored in the database is organized like this:

var db = {
	'username': {
		created: 'date of user creation',
		username: 'repeated here for convenience',
		password_hash: 'the hashed password, using normal password hashing methods',
		reset_token: {
		emails: {
			'email address': {
				email: 'email address repeated for convenience',
				verified: 'the date the email was verified, otherwise this field will not exist'
		session: {
			'token id': {
				id: 'token id repeated for convenience',
				expires: 'date the session expires'
		fields: {
			'key': 'value of field'



Used to verify if the user exists. Returns username or

  • err.invalidUsername
  • err.userNotFound


When a user is created, a session token is created and handed back. Returns user data or

  • badPassword
  • badUsernameOrEmail
  • userExists


Given a session token and username, see if that session token is valid. If so, return the user data, otherwise hands back err.authentication


Given a user's password, generate and store a session token and return user data or err.authentication


Given a username and session token, delete that token from the database. Returns user:true or err.authentication


Given a username, session token, and new password, reset the password for the user. Returns user data or err.authenitcation or err.passwordLength if not above minimum length.


Given a username, session token, and new username, change the username for the user or hand back err.authenitcation or err.badUsername or err.loggedOut


Given a username, generates a session token which can be used to bypass security to reset the password. Typically this would be emailed to a user on a primary email and when they visit the website some logic would take the GET parameter and pass it back to the server as the normal session token. On the server, use the emitter to get the token and send the reset email.