Data Structures

This is a repo with programs for data structures.

How to start contributing?

  1. Fork this repo and make the project available locally. Run the following command for that

    git clone https://<username>/datastructures

  2. Create a branch for the changes

    git checkout master

    git branch -M <branch_name>

  3. Now head over to your file > make required changes > save the file.

  4. Commit the changes

    git add .

    git commit -m 'added <the topic>'

    git push -u origin <branch_name>

  5. Open a Pull request in your github

  6. Give this project a star

If you liked working on this project, please share this project as much as you can and star this project to help as many people in opensource as you can.


  1. Don't Create Pull Request to update "" File.

  2. If you want to add corrections or have a genuine update on the existing files, try it and if it is valid - will be accepted. But you need to specify the changes in comments.

  3. Make a file for your content and make your content limited to the file only.

  4. Spammy Pull Requests will be marked spam and then closed.

  5. The duplicate or copied content is strictly prohibited.

  6. The topic should be of Data Structure.

  7. Donot remove previous contents.

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Project Admin

P Sai Charan

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