TensorFlow Datasets Image Classification with Streamlit

This repository showcases the power of pre-trained TensorFlow models for image classification tasks using popular datasets: Deep Weeds, EuroSAT, and SVHN (Street View House Numbers). Utilizing Streamlit, a Python library for building interactive web applications, this project provides a user-friendly interface for uploading images and obtaining predictions from the models.

Models Used

  • Deep Weeds: Classifies plants into different categories (e.g., Chinee apple, Lantana, etc.).
  • EuroSAT: Identifies land use and land cover classes from satellite images (e.g., AnnualCrop, Forest, etc.).
  • SVHN Cropped: Recognizes cropped digits from street view images (digits 0-9).

How to Use

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/saidislombek-abdusamatov/tensorflow_datasets.git
  2. Install Dependencies:

    pip install tensorflow streamlit opencv-python pandas numpy Pillow
  3. Run the Streamlit App:

    streamlit run app.py

    This command will start the Streamlit web application locally. You can access the app in your browser at http://localhost:8501.


Image Classification:

  1. Upload Image:

    • Click on the "Upload Image" button to select an image (PNG, JPG, or JPEG format).
    • The uploaded image will be displayed below the button.
  2. Select Model:

    • Choose the model you want to use from the dropdown menu: Deep Weeds, EuroSAT, or SVHN Cropped.
  3. Prediction:

    • Click the "Predict!" button to see the model's prediction based on the uploaded image.
    • The predicted class label will be displayed along with a bar chart showing the model's confidence scores for each class.

Models and Classes

  • Deep Weeds Classes: Chinee apple, Lantana, Parkinsonia, Parthenium, Prickly acacia, Rubber vine, Siam weed, Snake weed, Negative
  • EuroSAT Classes: AnnualCrop, Forest, HerbaceousVegetation, Highway, Industrial, Pasture, PermanentCrop, Residential, River, SeaLake
  • SVHN Cropped Classes: Digits 0-9