
The Holy BIBL in your REPL

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The Holy BIBL in your REPL

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List of books:

holy-repl.core=> (books)
("Gen" "Exod" "Lev" "Num" "Deut" "Josh" "Judg" "Ruth" "Sam1" "Sam2" "Kgs1" "Kgs2" "Chr1" "Chr2" "Ezra" "Neh" "Esth" "Job" "Ps" "Prov" "Eccl" "Song" "Isa" "Jer" "Lam" "Ezek" "Dan" "Hos" "Joel" "Amos" "Obad" "Jonah" "Mic" "Nah" "Hab" "Zeph" "Hag" "Zech" "Mal" "Matt" "Mark" "Luke" "John" "Acts" "Rom" "Cor1" "Cor2" "Gal" "Eph" "Phil" "Col" "Thess1" "Thess2" "Tim1" "Tim2" "Titus" "Phlm" "Heb" "Jas" "Pet1" "Pet2" "John1" "John2" "John3" "Jude" "Rev")

books are functions indeed (as originally intended):

holy-repl.core=> (Jer "29:11")
("For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not of evil,
to give you hope in your latter end.")

multiple verses are (obviously) returned as a list:

holy-repl.core=> (Prov "3:5-6")
("Trust in Jehovah with all thy heart, And lean not upon thine own understanding:" "In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he will direct thy paths.")

number of chapters in a book:

holy-repl.core=> (count (Exod))

chapter number and verses:

holy-repl.core=> (into
            #_=>  (sorted-map)
            #_=>  (zipmap
            #_=>   (range 1 (inc (count (Exod))))
            #_=>   (map
            #_=>    #(count (:content %))
            #_=>    (Exod))))
{1 22, 2 25, 3 22, 4 31, 5 23, 6 30, 7 25, 8 32, 9 35, 10 29, 11 10, 12 51, 13 22, 14 31, 15 27, 16 36, 17 16, 18 27, 19 25, 20 26, 21 36, 22 31, 23 33, 24 18, 25 40, 26 37, 27 21, 28 43, 29 46, 30 38, 31 18, 32 35, 33 23, 34 35, 35 35, 36 38, 37 29, 38 31, 39 43, 40 38}

random verse:

holy-repl.core=> (random-verse)
{"Josh 23:11" ("Take good heed therefore unto yourselves, that ye love Jehovah your God.")}
holy-repl.core=> (random-verse)
{"Dan 7:3" ("And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.")}

Chapter and verse system is the standard, e.g.: (John "3:14–16") or (John "3.14–16") refers to the book of John, chapter 3, verses 14 through 16


Number of books are postfixed as by default Clojure does not accept functions names starting with digits (e.g. "3John" become "John3").

Suggestions, patches, pull requests and feedbacks are all welcome!


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Distributed under the MIT License