
Outlier Engineering Node.js JSON DB Challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Outlier Engineering Node.js JSON DB Challenge

Our apps need to query and store lots of information. We want to make sure that you have a good understanding of JavaScript and Node.js fundamentals. Can you build a simple API that can read data from and write data to JSON files with Node.js while following Outlier's best practices?

The Challenge

Build an API with the following:

  • Endpoints
    • PUT /:student-id/:propertyName(/:propertyName)
      • Stores data within /data/${studentId}.json.
      • If that file or property doesn't exist it is created.
      • Should also set nested properties: curl -X PUT -d '{ "score": 98 }' http://localhost:1337/rn1abu8/courses/calculus/quizzes/ye0ab61 would mean that require('./data/rn1abu8.json').courses.calculus.quizzes.ye0ab61.score === 98
    • GET /:student-id/:propertyName(/:propertyName)
      • Retrieves data from /data/${studentId}.json. Returns 404 if that file or property doesn't exist.
      • Should also retrieve nested properties: curl http://localhost:1337/rn1abu8/courses/calculus
    • DELETE /:student-id/:propertyName(/:propertyName)
      • Removes data from /data/${studentId}.json. Returns 404 if that file or property doesn't exist.
      • Should also remove nested properties.
  • Tests
    • Each endpoint should have its own test


How to attempt this challenge:

  1. Create a new repo in your account and note the git url
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Solve the challenge
  4. Set your new repo as the origin: git remote set-url origin ${your repo url}
  5. Push your solution to your repo

You must follow these steps for your solution to be accepted -- forks or other methods will not be considered.