Bulk Calendar Events

A simple script to setup recurring events of different iterations (scrum sprints).

Setup your env

Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/saiello/google-bulk-events.git
cd google-bulk-events

Install all required dependencies

virtualenv .env 
source .venv/bin/activate 
pip install -r requirements.txt

Follow the instructions to enable Google Calendar api: https://developers.google.com/calendar/api/quickstart/python

How to send scrum events

1. Prepare recipent lists

Create an attendees.json file in the working directory, containing different kind of users

    "team_members": [
        {"email": "dev-1@email.com"}, 
        {"email": "dev-2@email.com"}, 
    "po": [
        {"email": "product-owner@email.com"}
        {"email": "stakeholder@email.com", "optional": true}
    "others": []

2. Define a prefix for all events

Change the prefix that will be used in front of every events' summaries.

prefix = "<YOUR_PREFIX> - "

Apart from the summary, it is also used to calculate the event id and for this reason cannot be changed, unless you want events to be duplicated.

3. Define scrum iterations

Tweak the following variables to define iterations start date, repetitions and duration of each iteration.

config_start_date           = datetime.date(2024, 6, 17)
config_num_of_sprints       = 6
config_sprint_duration      = 1

4. Run the script

python google_calendar.py

Additional info

Dry run & Debug mode

DEBUG = False

DRY_RUN = False


Start small, then scale up. Start by setting up all the events with a small number of user (only you), using an empty attendees.json file.

    "team_members": [], 
    "po": [], 
    "others": []

Then if everything looks good add the others.


  • refactor of code (i.e. event generator, GoogleApi resource, Cli)
  • add a better user interface ( cli )
  • allow for more flexible iterations configuration ( configure structure and repetition of iterations through a descriptor i.e. yaml)
  • add further action (?) i.e. list, delete, check participants