
JetBrains Academy Project: HyperNews Portal

Primary LanguagePython

Project: HyperNews Portal


The times of sitting down with a coffee and reading a newspaper seem to have passed. Now everyone gets news from their laptops or phones, so online news websites are very popular. These sites specialize on the collecting and sharing general news or materials on some specific topic. Some are independent projects, and others, like The New York Times, expanded from what wasn't initially made for the online world. What they all have in common is their basic structure. In this project, you will create a web application for online news with the help of Django.

Learning outcomes

You will learn the basics of Django: handle data through HTTP and work with templates. In addition, you will gain new skills working with JSON files and Python DateTime type.

This project is a part of the following track

Python Developer

What you’ll do and what you’ll learn

Stage 1/5: Main page header

Create a simple web application with the 'Coming soon' page.

Stage 2/5: The news page

Add a page with news.

Stage 3/5: Main page

Add the main news page using a template and grouping news by date.

Stage 4/5: Creating new news

Provide a form to the users so they can publish their news.

Stage 5/5: Search news

Help your users find relevant news articles using the search.