
In Memory Virtual File system using Java

Primary LanguageJava

In Memory Virtual File System Project

implementation of a program which will handle and manage a "File System" structure.

The file system contains the following entities and operations:

A File is defined as having:

  • A name - up to 32 characters long

  • A size - positive long integer

  • A create date (date type)

A directory is defined as having:

  • A name - up to 32 characters long

  • A create date (date type)

A directory can contain directories or files

The program will include the following functionalities:

Function Prototype

addFile(string parentDirName, String fileName, integer fileSize)

Adds new File under the Directory branch

addDir(string parentDirName, String dirName)

Adds new Directory under the parent Directory

delete(string name)

Deletes the Directory or the File with this name


Displays all files & directories with their hierarchical structure (for file display all file properties and for Directory all its properties)

Each name, file or directory is unique in the file system

Each directory can contain an unlimited number of files or directories

No need to write anything on the disk - the data structure should be managed in memory only