
Raw PHP Data save and filter with front-end and back-end validation

Primary LanguagePHP


##Raw PHP Data save and filter with front-end and back-end validation

## Required * PHP 5.0 or PHP 7 * WAMPP,XAMPP,LAMP etc

Following Some step for run this project:

  1. Create project name php_crud in localhost. e.g :(http://localhost/php_crud/)
  2. Project Sources Code Copy and Past 'localhost/php_crud' directory.
  3. Project Clone from git repository
  4. Crate database and go to directory 'php_crud/config/Database.php' set database access.
  5. Find the php_crud.sql file in project root directory and import.
  6. Finally browse link : http://localhost/php_crud/index.php/order/list