
BasicSAT is a very limited and naive SAT Solver written in Python.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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BasicSAT: A DPLL-based SAT solver
A simple SAT solver using the DPLL algorithm written in Python. Converts proposition logic statements to CNF and finds satisfying solutions.

BasicSAT is a simple SAT solver written in Python. It uses a very naive implementation of DPLL algorithm to find satisfiability of a given propositional formula.

BasicSAT has two independent modules: a CNF maker and a SAT solver. All input PL statements are first converted to conjunctive normal form (CNF) before being given to the SAT solver to determine its satisfiability. See complete documentation here.


Version Description
v1.0.0 Initial version of the project, written in Python2.7.
v2.0.0 Project upgraded to Python3.


This project requires Python3 and uses the ply.yacc package for parsing input formulas and generating their parse trees. Before you proceed, make sure that you have the required package installed on your machine.

You should be able to install it by running pip install ply. For details, visit its website.

How to Run

The project can be run in a number of different modes.

To run the project:

  1. Clone the repository to your local filesystem using git clone https://github.com/saifkhichi96/basic-sat.git.
  2. Change current directory using cd basic-sat.

Interactive Mode

SAT solver can also be started in interactive mode. In this mode, user can write a propositional formula interactively and get its assignments (if any).

To run the program in interactive mode, use the command in the project directory:

$  python main.py

You can exit interactive mode by pressing CTRL+C buttons.

From the CLI

You can solve a formula directly from the command-line by running the following command in the project directory:

$  python main.py -w "<formula>"

You can pass a well-formed propositional formula with the -w flag, and the solutions of the formula as well as its CNF form will be displayed in the output.

From a File

To execute formulas listed in a file, use the following command in the project directory:

$  python main.py -f "<filename>"

For example, executing python main.py -i "path/examples.txt" would test all the formulas defined in examples.txt. Input files must have only one formula written on each line, and nothing else in the file.

Formulas must use valid syntax and semantics as defined below. Formulas which are not well-formed or use invalid symbols raise SyntaxError exceptions.

Executing Test Cases

The project contains sample PL formulas in the tests/examples/ directory which can be used to test the SAT solver with the following command in the project directory:

$  python -m unittest tests.test_solver

This would solve all the formulas from the examples/ directory and print their results: Unsatisfiable or Satisfiable.

For satisfiable formulas, assignments that satisfy the formula are also listed.


BasicSAT expects input formulas to follow a certain syntax. The following sections describe allowed and forbidden symbols.


BasicSAT can solve formulas with unary and binary operators listed below. Symbol to be used for each operation is written opposite to its name.

Unary Operators

  1. Negation (~)

Binary Operators

  1. Conjunction (&)
  2. Disjunction (|)
  3. Implication (->)
  4. Biconditional (<->)
  5. XOR (+)



Symbols used to represent propositions must be subsets of regex \[a-zA-Z]+. That is, they can only be alphabetic. No numbers or special characters are supported.


Parentheses () are supported in expressions, but brackets [] and braces {} are not.


Use 1 to represent True and 0 to represent False in a propositional formula.


To access help from command-line, use the command:

$  python main.py -h

To view complete documentation from command-line, on Linux use the command:

$  cat Readme.md | less


SAT is a NP-complete problem. This project converts an input formula into a CNF in linear time, O(n). However, solving the CNF is not very efficient.