
This is a simple Python script that creates an image from your clipboard or from your input. Gives it a nice background and uploads to imgur. It also copies the imgur direct link to your clipboard. Have fun using it!

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple Python script that creates an image from your clipboard or from your input. Gives it a nice background and uploads to imgur. It also copies the imgur direct link to your clipboard. Have fun using it!

alt text

How to use it?

It's a very simple Python script. The main purpose of this script to automatically create a image from your given text. I mainly made this to create social background image in less time. In a few clicks you got your image ready and you can publish the image anywhere.

Getting Things Ready

  • First navigate to your folder using command prompt where you downloaded the actual .py file and requirements.txt
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the python code in Windows python AutoImageGenearatorFromText_ImgurUploader.py
  • Enter your text that you want to show up on your image and press enter
  • It will save the image in that folder.

Generate Image and Upload to Imgur Automatically

  • https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient go here to register an application. It'll provide you a clientID
  • Open AutoImageGenearatorFromText_ImgurUploader.py
  • Remove Comment from below the code
  • Enter your client ID.
  • Run the code again to have direct link in your clipboard.