Small Scale Specialist Services

Supply Chain and Logistics Infrastructure on Demand

Joined-Up Support

Many of you have products they can create or services they can provide.

  • You use resources or may produce them
  • Your processes need equipment or you may supply them
  • The equipment may need maintenance, or you may maintain them
  • Your products may need to be marketed or your skills may be marketing
  • Your products need distribution or this may be a service you can provide


  • You are not skilled at everything
  • Everything you need is expensive
  • You are having to pay more entities more money because of your small size
  • You are competing with big business who do things cheaper.


  • Connecting multiple small business bring benefits of scale
  • Identifies individuals with time and skills
  • Connects them to individuals with resources
  • Makes it easy and attractive to start small and think big
  • Focuses on sustainability using local reources
  • Naturally decentralised and self supporting