OpenStreet Map integration in angular 13 with place searching
Google map is not free right? People like me don't want to spend money but want to implement map like google for personal project or startup business. That's why i implement OpenStreetMap so that anyone can integrate map for their own purpose.
Technology Used
Node: 16.14.2 (Use NVM if you've other version of Node installed)
Angular 13
Ionic : used for converting app in android version
Open Street Map : used for map api
leaflet js : used for visualizing the map
Nominatim Api: used for global place search
How to Use
You can pull the docker image for checking how it's look like.
run the below command. docker run -d -p 8888:80 saifulaiub123/open-street-map-angular-13
otherwise for developing purpose follow the below instruction :
run "npm install"
npm start
pass out intro pages
login to get access
click on "Rent Car" . It will navigate to map page
By default map marker will be in your current need to grant permit to access your device or browser location
Seacth pickup location then destination
depending one the search route will be generated
you can seed the total distance in console
marker is draggable that meand if you change the marker then route will be regenerated