
This Dataset consists of heterogeneous IoT jobs/tuples containing the information - TupleName, TupleId, Size of the Tuple (Size of a job), MIPS (Million Instruction per Second), Total processors, RAM size, Bandwidth, Geo-location (Coordinates), DataType (contains Abrupt, smalltextual, medical and sensors etc), Data Percentage, IsReversed (not served by /EdgeFog or Cloud), IsServerd (boolean, It is served or not), and IsserverbyCloud, DeviceType (Sensors, Dumobjects, Mobiles, Acuator and LocationBased, etc), QueueDelay (how much time it will stay in queue), InternalProcessingTime, QueueWait, Temperature etc. This Dataset is designed to be utilized in all sorts of computing environments ranging from Volunteer/Edge/Fog to Cloud/Grid environments.
