
Using account data to reveal insights of a user's Instagram account

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Personal Project

Live at: https://saifulislamdev.github.io/InstagramInsights/
Learn how to use application: [YouTube video will be uploaded upon completion]
Find account data through here: [will be uploaded soon]

Run application:

$ open index.html

File Structure:

|── README.md
|── comments.html
|── index.html
|── likes.html
|── messages.html
|── moreDetails.html
|── plan.pdf
|── saved.html
|── script
│   |── comments.js
│   |── likes.js
│   |── messages.js
│   |── moreDetails.js
│   |── saved.js
│   └── script.js
└── style
|── comments.css
|── likes.css
|── messages.css
|── moreDetails.css
|── saved.css
└── style.css

Bugs and Issues:


  • Program can't distinguish user from other users in message insights
  • Make links open new tabs so that parts of page don't get erased


  • Make web pages look more organized and fit the plan
  • Upload video of how to use the website
  • Make website more user-friendly
  • Adding more insights and features
  • Make code more efficient (faster time complexity)
  • Make code more readable

Tools Implemented:

  • Dictionaries
  • JSON