
Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Week Day Picker

The widget display a dialog contain the calandar on week mode. Return a Future<DateTime> if the user select a date or Future<null> if the user cancel the dialog


Add week_day_picker to your pubspec.yaml as a dependacy



Import the package

import 'package:week_day_picker/week_day_picker.dart';

Create an instance of WeekDayPicker and invoke the show methode don't forget to await for response. it return a Future<DateTime> if the user select a date or Future<null> if the user cancel the picker or clicked outsie

 var weekDayPicker = WeekDayPicker(
    context: context,
    firstDate: DateTime(2021, 1, 13),
    lastDate: DateTime(2023, 10, 19),
DateTime? selectedDate = await weekDayPicker.show();

Default current date is the system date, to change it use currentDate to highlight and show this date in first screen.

 var weekDayPicker = WeekDayPicker(
    context: context,
    firstDate: DateTime(2021),
    lastDate: DateTime(2023),
    currentDate : DateTime(2022, 10, 1),

Use initialDate to send the selected Date to the dailog. Don't confuse it with current date the initialDate is the selected Date

 var weekDayPicker = WeekDayPicker(
    context: context,
    firstDate: DateTime(2021, 1, 13),
    lastDate: DateTime(2023, 10, 19),
    initialDate : DateTime(2022, 10, 1),

To send list of selectable date use selectableDay

  selectableDay: [
    DateTime(2022, 9, 12),
    DateTime(2022, 9, 21)

Or you can use selectableDayInWeek to display only specific day on week begin by

Monday : 1 ... Sunday : 7. In this example the user can select only the date in Monday and Friday

  selectableDayInWeek: [1, 5],

To combine selectableDayInWeek and selectableDay by default the picker use inner join. That meen that the allowed date must satisfy the two condition.

To provide outer join use the option selectableBitwiseOperator it can be

  • BitwiseOperator.or : Outer join
  • BitwiseOperator.and : Inner join
var response = await WeekDayPicker(
   context: context,
   initialDate: DateTime.now(),
   firstDate: DateTime(2021, 1, 13),
   lastDate: DateTime(2023, 10, 19),
   selectableDay: [
       DateTime(2022, 9, 12),
       DateTime(2022, 9, 21)
   selectableDayInWeek: [1, 5],
   selectableBitwiseOperator: BitwiseOperator.or,


By passing the context the dialog use the default application locale. to change it use locale

var response = WeekDayPicker(
 context: context,
 firstDate: DateTime(2021, 1, 13),
 lastDate: DateTime(2023, 10, 19),
 locale: const Locale('en', ''),


By default the dialog use default theme. To override the theme check the list below :

  • colorHeader: Background header
  • colorOnHeader : Text header
  • colorIcon : Icon color (previous and next week)
  • colorDisabled : Text of not allowed date and icon color if the user rich the last or first week
  • colorSelected : The background color of selected date
  • colorOnSelected : The text color of selected date
  • backgroundColor : The surface color

Additional information

for more information check the complete example

In case of problem please open an issue