
Mainly helpful in identifying the rgb code for a given color and it's even fun too.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This will contain a code related to a game which is mostly likely a guessing game. There will be two levels in this game (easy and hard) which is player preference.

How to play?

  • The game loads with a random RGB color (ex: rgb(100, 110, 210)).
  • Along with that the colors will also be loaded according to the user preference if player selects easy mode then 3 colors loaded else 6 colors.
  • If you dosen't like the given colors you are feasible to change colors by clicking "NEW COLORS" and this will work according to the mode the player selected.
  • There will be exactly one color that matches with the given rgb color .
  • If player selects incorrect color it will disappear.
  • If player selects correct color all the reamining colors will change to matched rgb color.

The game is published at https://saiganesh612.github.io/Color-Game/ make a try on this game.